If you’re applying to college or a job after college, you would be wise to work with an expert who knows how to get results. Apply:you specializes in the application process, using Madison Avenue marketing and differentiation techniques to help applicants stand out, get noticed and get what they deserve.
Too many applicants are being taught to do things the same way. In a world of coaches and counselors, we’re marketers who understand the unique art of creating differentiation to drive preference, and ultimately acceptance.
Highly motivated applicants who know they’re going to need
an advantage to achieve their aspirations.
With the shift away from SAT/ACT requirements, the essay has become the single most important part of a college application. But admission counselors will tell you that astonishingly few of them make a memorable impression. That’s because everyone’s writing to the same Common Application essay prompts, creating a sea of sameness that works against them. Instead, we focus on the open-ended prompt to help you craft a more original essay. One that reads like a story to help you stand out, get noticed and get in.
You’ve put a tremendous amount of energy into a successful college education to help prepare you for your first real job. But most applicants aren’t as prepared as they think because they’ve never done this before. After all that hard work, you owe it to yourself to take one more class to help you win the job you deserve.
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